In order of scheduled appearance

Masashi Hodotsuka
Senior Manager, Center for the Strategy of Emergence,
The Japan Research Institute Limited
Dual Move Co., Ltd.
大学卒業後、中国・上海にて流通事業のベンチャー企業設立・運営、衆議院議員事務所勤務、事業戦略コンサルティング会社勤務を経て、2014年に株式会社日本総合研究所入社。同社の創発戦略センターにて自動車・モビリティ領域でのインキュベーション活動や研究会活動を推進。2023年、自らのコンセプトをもとに設立されたスタートアップである株式会社DUAL MOVEに出向。東京大学法学部卒、同大学院新領域創成科学研究科修士課程修了。

Shinichiro Yamauchi
General Manager
Program Management Department (ACX)
Advanced Features and
Service Platform Division
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
Shinichiro Yamauchi has worked extensively on the development and implementation of IoT platforms in the automotive, consumer, and medical industries. Currently, he is responsible for strategic investment in advanced features and new platforms for the connected car at Nissan Motor's Program Director Office.
1999: worked on the integrated platform for digital home appliances at Panasonic Corporation
2007: worked on the multimedia platform and in-house OS at Toyota Motor Corporation
2014: launched overseas manufacturing locations for Sysmex Corporation
2016: developed the Connected Platform and 24PPX collaboration concept at Honda Research Institute Co., Ltd
2019: advanced features and service platforms for connected car at Nissan Motor Corporation

Jinhae Choi Ph.D
Head of UX Innovation Center
海外メーカーにて家電・IT・サービスのUX開発や全社UX経営に従事した後、2018年にデンソーに入社。同社モビリティエレクトロニクス事業グループで、顧客の体験を起点にしたUX開発を推進し、顧客(OEM)とのUX共創にも取り込んでいる。2014年に世界3大デザインアワード Red Dot Design AwardのUX部門でグランプリを受賞し、2015年にはACM CHIでUX専門委員としての経験を持つ。

Daisuke Ishii
Head of Creative & Brand Strategy Department
Sony Honda Mobility Inc./
Head of Creative Center
Sony Group Corporation
Joined Sony in 1992 and heads the Sony’s Design Team as of 2021. Started his career at Sony as an industrial designer and designed products such as Handycam, Walkman®, and AIBO. With working experience in the EU design office, he headed the design team responsible for AI robotics such as the ‘aibo’ entertainment robot, the VISION-S prototype vehicle and ‘Airpeak’, a project for robotic drones, and other new business development projects and created not only products, but also services, brands, and communications comprehensively. Leads Sony Honda Mobility Creative & Brand Strategy Department as of 2022.
Ishii has also served on the 2016/2021 iF Award jury, 2019/2022 DFA Award and 2022-23, 2023 Good Design Award jury, Visiting Professor at the Politecnico di Milano. Advanced Art Design Adviser at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology of University of Tokyo.

Yoshiyuki Kawashima
CTO Automotive Industry, IBM Japan
Global Automotive Centre Of Competency, IBM

Masahiro Otsuka
Senior Consulting Specialist – Automotive & Cloud Software
Product planning & technical strategy
SBD Automotive Japan
SBD AutomotiveでSoftware Defined Vehicleおよびクラウドソフトウェアの調査において専門調査員として活動する。サプライヤ、OEM、ITベンダーなど多くのクライアントにむけて、SDV、AD/ADAS、デジタルコックピット、E/Eアーキテクチャなどの調査を主導してきた。2017年のSBD入社以前は、ナビゲーションソフト開発会社にて地図データ開発や新機能開発を担当していた

Akihiko Kawai
Managing Director
Elektrobit Nippon K.K.
After graduating university in U.S., he worked as a consultant at a global consulting firm, then, as sales management positions for automotive business at IT companies such as Microsoft and Cisco Systems. Since 2017, he served some roles of business head at AWS (Amazon Web Service). In July 2023, he became the representative of Elektrobit Japan.

Hitoshi Nishikawa
NISHIKAWA Technologies/
Association for Computational Linguistics, The Association for Natural Language Processing, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Information Processing Society of Japan
After working at NTT Media Intelligence Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and as CTO of an AI startup, he established NISHIKAWA Technologies. His expertise lies in R&D of Natural Language Processing, especially Natural Language Generation. He has PhD in Computer Sciences as well as MBA with Beta Gamma Sigma Honor.

Yasushi Ishikawa
Principal Research Engineer
2018年よりNuance(Cerence前身).プロフェッショナルサービスを経て,現在Cerence Japan R&Dプリンシパル・リサーチ・エンジニア

Yingying Wang
36Kr Japan
Wang graduated from the Japanese Language Department of Beijing Foreign Studies University in 2010 and participated in a new graduate recruitment support program for Japanese companies specializing in top Chinese universities. Came to Japan in 2015 and, after working at advertising and investment firms, joined 36Kr Japan as one of the founding members in 2019.Now, Wang is responsible for various media tasks related to disseminating the latest developments in Chinese innovation and start-up companies.

Koichi Katsumata
Director, Asia-Pacific Automotive Sales
Aeris Communications Japan
Mr. Koichi Katsumata has over 20 years of experience in automotive industry. Prior to joining Aeris, he had been leading business development and sales of connected vehicle segment in ASEAN region at automotive parts supplier, and sales of Connected Vehicle Cloud at Ericsson. Mr. Katsumata holds MBA from Lingnan College, Sun Yat-Sen University, China.

Sosuke Hirano
Operating Officer
Vice President, Automotive Sales
GeoTechnologies, Inc.

Aiko Hayashi
Science and technology journalist
Science designer