ReVision Connected Car & UX Summit 2024

27th September Belle Salle Kudan Hall, Tokyo
<in venue and live online broadcast | presentations available for download post-event>

Leveraging generative AI, connectivity and innovative thinking to enable never seen before car experience


 As the car becomes increasingly digitalized, connected and intelligent its potential as a moving personal space continues to grow. A departure from the traditional and embracing of new ideas and perspectives is required to create next-generation user experiences. Leveraging cutting edge technology such as generative AI, connectivity and software, in-car entertainment, environment data and safety information, what kind of UX and services will the vehicle become able to deliver?

 The ReVision Connected Car & UX Summit 2024 will take a deep dive into technology, content and user needs to explore connected services and UX from a wide variety of perspectives. This summit is for automakers, Tier 1 and part suppliers, technology and solution providers working in connectivity, UX, contents, data and services - specifically department heads of technology planning, product strategy, research, business development.


Speaker information

石井 大輔氏

Daisuke Ishii

Head of Creative & Brand Strategy Department
Sony Honda Mobility Inc./
Head of Creative Center
Sony Group Corporation

山内 進一郎 氏

Shinichiro Yamauchi

General Manager
Program Management Department (ACX)
Advanced Features and
Service Platform Division
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.

柴田 健二郎 氏

Kenjiro Shibata

Deputy General Manager
Application Development / Service Advanced Engineering,
Connected Car Off-board Development and Operation,
Connected Car and Service Engineering
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.

野川 忠文氏

Tadafumi Nogawa

General Manager
Connected Solution Development Division
Honda Motor Co., Ltd.

後藤 靖浩氏

Yasuhiro Goto

Deputy Field Chief
Mobility Space Planning Field and
Division General Manager
Mobility Space Visioneering Div.
Toyota Boshoku Corporation

伊藤 正浩 氏

Masahiro Ito

General Manager
Cabin UX Business Development Preparatory Office
Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.

川島 善之氏

Yoshiyuki Kawashima

Global Automotive Centre of Competency

加瀬 正和 氏

Masakazu Kase

Digital Data Analytics
GeoTechnologies, Inc.

勝又 光一氏

Koichi Katsumata

Sales Director Automotive Business Unit
Aeris Communications G.K.

石橋 知彦氏

Tomohiko Ishibashi

Representative Commercial Director Japan
Parkopedia Japan Limited

黎 鋭煒 氏

Derek Li

Cofounder and CEO

王 瑩影 氏

Yingying Wang

36Kr Japan

大塚 真大氏

Masahiro Otsuka

Senior Consulting Specialist
Product planning & technical strategy
SBD Automotive Japan

杉野 貴美廣 氏

Kimihiro Sugino

Managing Director
WirelessCar Japan

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Media parnters

Who should attend

This event is for individuals working to better CASE, vehicle development and the driver experience, who are involved in business strategy, planning, technology development, research, business development and partnerships, in the following kinds of company and organisation:

  • Automakers
  • Tier 1 suppliers
  • Auto parts manufacturers
  • Telecomms providers
  • IT companies
  • Soluion vendors
  • Contents and connected service providers
  • Sensor & recognition tech manufacturers
  • AI & AD developers
  • Voice recgonition tech developers
  • Communication module manufacturers
  • Semicon manufacturers
  • Data solution providers
  • Cloud-based tech/service providers
  • Insurance companies
  • Map developer
  • Location-based service providers
  • Trading companies
  • University・research org.・government & local administration
  • Market survey・consultant・think-tank
  • Automotive industry media

Click for previous summit


Event ReVision Connected Car& UX Summit 2024
Date 27th September 2024
Venue Bellesalle Kudan Hall,
Sumitomo Realty & Development Kudan Building, 1-8-10 Kudankita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0073 3F
Cost Click for registration details
Payment accepted by transfer or credit card

This summit strives to develop Japan's leading connected car and UX community.
As such, relevant department heads from OEMs and Tier 1s
may apply for a complimentary pass。(Limited to 20 individuals, 3 max from a single company, and onsite attendance)

How to attend
150 attendees expected (onsite & online combined).

The venue has capacity for 475 people, as such there will be ample space to comfortably enable social distancing throughout the 1-day event.
In addition, hand sanitizer and thermometers will be readily available and the venue will undergo a deep clean to ensure a safe and hygienic environment
ZOOM webinar will be used for the summit online live streaming.
Simultaneous interpretation will also be provided via ZOOM where applicable.
Those who choose "Online Participation" will be notified of the URL for online participation by the day before the summit.

After registering, you may change your means of attending, provided there is capacity to do so

Presentation slides and panel discussion content will be made available to all attendees for a limited time, subsequent to the summit.

Register Click for registration
ReVision Auto&Mobility
part of InBridges Co., Ltd. TEL:03-6403-3835