ReVision Mobility Summit 2025 Program


Registration (JP only)

Session overview

Morning session:Define the value mobility can offer to daily life and society

Afternoon session:Turning mobility challenges into opportunities

※The timetable and speakers may be subject to minor changes

8:30 Registration opens
9:15 ReVision Auto&Mobility open remarks
Define the value mobility can offer to daily life and society

Presentation <25min>

「Examine the challenges facing domestic MaaS and transport platforms and how grow mobility together using Japan style innovation」

  • How will mobility, MaaS and community development change and where will new challenges arise? With reference to the latest trends and impactful case studies, this presentation will lay out the kind of practice that will create continuous value, and the data sharing and leveraging that key stakeholders like automakers, mobility service providers and local governments need to consider that will enable stakeholders such as auto OEMS, mobility service providers and local governments to share and leverage data.

Takeshi Kurata
KPMG Mobility Research Japan
Head of Transport, Logistics & Leisure, KPMG Japan
Business Innovation Unit, KPMG Consulting Co., Ltd.


Presentation <25min>

「Learn the MLIT's vision to advance regional mobility and unlock the power of regions」

  • How can regional transport invigorate regions and increase their appeal? Understand the approaches at government level to solve mobility challenges, promote the use of digital technology, and usher in sustainable urban development, with reference to the positioning of regional transport and its role as defined in the latest national land planning policy.

Seiji Kuraishi
National Planning Division,
National Spatial Planning and Regional Policy Bureau
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism


Presentation <25min>

「Vitalizing the regions with various types of mobility - how public transport aids in local development 」

  • How can we create mobility that answers real world needs, while making live for citizens more convenient and boosting the town as a whole? Explore Tokyu Group's initiatives across autonomous driving, shared mobility, rail and bus and the Tokyu Bus Corporation (part of the Tokyu Group) vision for growing alongside regions.

Masanobu Sano
General Manager
Business Change Headquarters
Tokyo Bus Corporation

10:35 Attendee networking and coffee break <25min>

Presentation <25min>

「How can an automaker like Honda evolve alongside mobility to bring about positive change in regional communities?」

  • Striving to be a leader in advancing how people travel and their daily lives, Honda has developed Honda CI - which leverages Honda's experience and technological prowess in building cars - and is applying it to 4-wheeled vehicles, micro mobility and moving robots being used in the technology proof-of-concept held in Joso city, Ibarai prefecture. This PoC not only provides opportunities to try new forms of mobility but is also positively impacting the creation of new workspaces and improving education in Joso city's AI-driven community development. This presentation will illustrate how Honda is supporting and impacting regions through technology proof-of-concept projects.

Yuji Yasui
Executive Chief Engineer
Innovative Research Excellence, Computer Science Domain
Honda R&D Co., Ltd.


Panel discussion <50min>

「How will mobility enhance daily life and society? Discuss the initiatives to produce value in regions and the business models thereby generated」

Takeshi Kurata
KPMG Mobility Research Japan
Head of Transport, Logistics & Leisure, KPMG Japan
Business Innovation Unit, KPMG Consulting Co., Ltd.

Seiji Kuraishi
National Planning Division,
National Spatial Planning and Regional Policy Bureau
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism

Masanobu Sano
General Manager
Business Change Headquarters
Tokyu Bus Corporation

Yuji Yasui
Executive Chief Engineer
Innovative Research Excellence, Computer Science Domain
Honda R&D Co., Ltd.


Attendee networking and lunch <60min>

※Bento lunchboxes will be provided, as well as coffee in the networking area

Afternoon session: Turning mobility challenges into opportunities

Presentation and Q&A <25min>

「The challenge of implementing autonomous vehicles: How can technology add value to regions?」

  • What kind of value will autonomous driving bring to community development? Tier IV will share insight regarding helping towns prosper and lowering operational costs for autonomous driving gleaned from involvement in the government-lead RoaD to L4 project, and also the possibilities they see for autonomous driving in the future.

Ko Miyoshi
Chief Strategy Officer


Presentation and Q&A <25mins>

「Creating value through sustainable regional transport to bring about a new type of society and way of living」

  • How can travel be updated to fit the aim of sustainable regional transport? Hear WILLER's perspective on designing business - both B2B and B2C - around challenges such as linking AI on-demand transport with legacy transport, implementing autonomous bus routes.

Aiko Ike
R&D Dept.


Presentation and Q&A <25min>

「Collaboration between public private to promote autonomous driving, MaaS, and digital transformation in regional areas by leveraging digital talent」

  • What kind of joint partnerships can local government form with private companies to provide better mobility services and vitalize regions? Shioji city has a number of initiatives focusing on "transport digital transformation", autonomous driving and AI on-demand bus services. Examples from these initiatives will illustrate how local government can further and create new models of mobility.

Koichi Ota
Sector Head
Advanced Industry Promotion Office
Industrial Promotion Division
Shiojiri City


Presentation and Q&A <30mins>

「Fully leveraging movement data to better design cities and regions and effectively invest in transport」

  • To what extent and can data around people's movement be applied to planning mobility and transportation? Understand clearly how data can be used for designing transport models and investing in mobility through a demonstration of a new joint initiative combining Geotechnologies' granular people flow data with PTV's high precision transport simulation.

Masakazu Kase
Digital Data Analytics
GeoTechnologies, Inc.

Junichi Miyazaki
ITS Solution Dev.
PTV Group Japan Ltd.

15:00 Attendee networking and coffe break <25min>

Presentaiton and Q&A <25min>

「A regionlized approach to MaaS - Toyota's my route app」

  • My Route is a business venture whose aim is to contribute to regional economics by providing mobility and lifestyle services. This presentation will highlight efforts to create reasons to move and invigorate towns by taking specific examples of collaboration between regional businesses (e.g. public transport, Toyota's dealerships), local government, students in areas such as Kyushu, Yokohama, Toyama, Okinawa and Aichi. Additionally, understand how the scope of these services are set to broaden across Japan.

Kazuo Okino
Project General Manager
Mobility Service Group, Digital Solution Dept.
Toyota Financial Services Corporation


Presentation and Q&A <25min>

「Micro mobility and share service:the future of movement and business models」

  • How can micro mobility shared services integrate with existing transport such as rail and bus to change how people move around urban and regional areas? Grasp how using data and mobility business trends will look in the future and learn from examples of OpenStreet's regional activities.

Tomoaki Kudo
President and Representative Director CEO
OpenStreet Co., Ltd.


Presentaiton and Q&A <25min>

「Nishi-Nippon Rail's regional MaaS initiatives and future challenges」

  • MaaS schemes need to take hold in regionals and also be sustainable. To do this, their benefits need to manifest across a variety of sectors and joint development of services needs to broaden. Learn from examples of Nishi-Nippon Railroad's Beyond MaaS regional activities and discuss the key challenges to implementing sustainable MaaS.

So Matsuki
Community Development, Transportation and Tourism
Promotion Department
Nishi-Nippon Railroad Co., Ltd.


Presentation and Q&A <25分>

「Ride sharing: what will it solve and what is its potential going forward? 」

  • How can ride sharing help mitigate issues such as a shortage of transport options in underpopulated areas, long wait times for taxis in urban centres, over tourism in certain areas, and challenges in mobility? Explore how to tackle these issues by balancing demand and supply and increasing the quality of transport and hear about NearMe's activities across Japan.

Koichiro Takahara
NearMe, Inc.


Networking drinks <90min>

※Alcohol, soft drinks and snacks provided

18:35 Summit ends