ReVision EV & Electrification Summit 2024

25th September Belle Salle Kudan Hall, Tokyo
<in venue and live online broadcast | presentations available for download post-event>

Anticipate how the EV market will change between now and 2030 and identify the technology and strategies required rise the value of the EV


Register here (JP only)

 The global electric vehicle (EV) market has been noted for a slowdown in growth pace. However, new models from emerging global manufacturers continue to enter the market, and despite the deceleration, the EV market continues to grow. Hybrid vehicles (HV) and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHV) are also seeing an increase in sales. In the coming years, which are expected to be marked by significant changes, how should companies in the automotive industry interpret trends in global markets and regulations, as well as the evolving elements of electric technology, and take on the new challenges?

 The ReVision EV & Electrification Summit 2024 offers a unique opportunity to learn directly from industry leaders at the forefront of the field. Attendees will explore technological advancements, market trends, and insights into the outlook up to 2030. The summit will provide a platform for automotive manufacturers, parts suppliers, battery manufacturers, technology companies, research institutions, and others leading in strategy development and technological innovation to exchange the latest information and network with peers.

Additionally, this year, three summits focused on privately-owned vehicles will be held in the fall, including the "Autonomous Driving, ADAS & SDV Summit" and the "Connected Car & UX Summit," which will follow in succession.
(This event is pay to attend, with a limited number of selected individuals invited)



Go to speaker page

東福寺 厚樹 氏

Atsuki Tofukuji

BYD Auto Japan Inc.

岩田 和之 氏

Kazuyuki Iwata

Executive Chief Engineer
In charge of Technical Strategy, Corporate Strategy Operations
Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
Innovative Research Excellence, Power Unit & Energy
Honda R&D Co., Ltd.

多田 直純 氏

Naosumi Tada

Representative Director and President
ZF Japan Co., Ltd

勅使 正輝 氏

Masaki Teshi

Department Manager In Charge
Automobile Dynamical System CAE/
MBD Mgmt. Div.
Suzuki Motor Corporation

原口 直貴 氏

Naoki Haraguchi

General Manager
Corporate Planning
AESC Japan Ltd.

深尾 三四郎 氏

Sanshiro Fukao

Board Member
Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI)
Executive Fellow
ITOCHU Research Institute Inc.

矢島 和男 氏

Kazuo Yajima

Blue Sky Technology Inc.

前川 謹吾 氏

Kingo Maekawa

Senior Technical Account Manager
Technical division
Ansys Japan KK.

安部 静生 氏

Shizuo Abe

ABE CN CONSULTANT/ Director, Audit & Supervisory Committee Member, Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.
(Former Executive General Manager of Toyota Motor Corporation, former Executive Director of BluE Nexus Corporation, former Executive Advisor of Aisin Corporation)

藤原 輝嘉 氏

Teruyoshi Fujiwara

Automotive and Battery Traceability Center Association, Inc.

二見 徹 氏

Tooru Futami

DeNA Co., Ltd.

周 錦程 氏

Jincheng Zhou

China Research Department

石村 将章 氏

Masaaki Ishimura

General Manager
GX Solution Business Division
EV infrastructure department
Takaoka Toko Co., Ltd.


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Media Partners pageへ

Who should attend

This event is for individuals working to create tomorrow's EVs, who are involved in business strategy, planning, technology development, research, business development and partnerships, in the following kinds of companies and organisations

  • Automakers
  • Tier 1 suppliers
  • Auto parts manufacturers
  • Telecomms providers
  • IT companies
  • Soluion vendors
  • Contents and connected service providers
  • Sensor & recognition tech manufacturers
  • AI & AD developers
  • Voice recgonition tech developers
  • Communication module manufacturers
  • Semicon manufacturers
  • Data solution providers
  • Cloud-based tech/service providers
  • Insurance companies
  • Map developer
  • Location-based service providers
  • Trading companies
  • University・research org.・government & local administration
  • Market survey・consultant・think-tank
  • Automotive industry media


Event ReVision EV & Electrification Summit 2024
Date 25th September 2024
Venue Bellesalle Kudan Hall
Sumitomo Realty & Development Kudan Building, 1-8-10 Kudankita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0073 3F
Cost Click for registration details
Payment accepted by bank transfer or credit card
How to attend
150 attendees expected (onsite & online combined).

The venue has capacity for 475 people, as such there will be ample space to comfortably enable social distancing throughout the 1-day event.
In addition, hand sanitizer and thermometers will be readily available and the venue will undergo a deep clean to ensure a safe and hygienic environment
ZOOM webinar will be used for the summit online live streaming.
Simultaneous interpretation will also be provided via ZOOM where applicable.
Those who choose "Online Participation" will be notified of the URL for online participation by the day before the summit.

After registering, you may change your means of attending, provided there is capacity to do so

Presentation slides and panel discussion content will be made available to all attendees for a limited time, subsequent to the summit.

Registration Click for registration。Registration will close once maximum numbers are reached.
ReVision Auto&Mobility
part of InBridges Co., Ltd. TEL:03-6403-3835