In order of appearance

Tomohide Kazama
Consulting Division
Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
1994 - Technology and Industry Research Dept.2009 - Group Manager, Global Strategy Consulting Dept.
2020 - Principal, DX Consulting Dept. and Global Manufacturing Consulting Dept.
2021 - Partner, Consulting Division

Kota Sando
Deputy Director
Manufacturing Industries Bureau
Automotive Industrial Strategy Office
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
経済産業省入省、中小企業庁 財務課 配属
2017年5月 資源エネルギー庁 新エネルギー課
貿易経済協力局 投資促進課 課長補佐
2022年6月~ 製造産業局 自動車課 課長補佐(現職)

Naoki Nakada
Chief Powertrain Engineer
Powertrain and EV Engineering Division
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
<Biography >
1986 日産自動車株式会社入社
1998 ニッサンモータースポーツ
2000 日産自動車株式会社
2009 EVシステム開発部所属:
ノート、セレナ搭載e-POWER開発 2019 パワートレイン・EV技術開発本部所属:

Naosumi Tada
Representative Director and President
ZF Japan Co., Ltd.
Professional Career: 2019 Representative Director and President, ZF Japan
2017 Regional President and Board Director,Contemporary Amperex Technology Japan
2016 Managing Director, Tenneco Japan Ltd
2001 Various managerial positions at Bosch Japan
1986 Assistant Chief Engineer, Borg Warner Automotive
1986 Bachelor of Science in Applied Chemistry, Osaka Institute of Technology
Born in Uji city, Kyoto, Japan

Kingo Maekawa
Senior Technical Account Manager
Technical Division
Ansys Japan KK.
Ansys (NASDAQ: ANSS), the world's largest independent CAE software company, where he is responsible for customer success with Japanese OEMs and suppliers. He started career in mechanical design engineer at a manufacturing company before joining Fluent Asia Pacific, a fluid analysis software vendor (later acquired by Ansys). He has engaged to customers in various industries including automotive, electrical, chemical, and heavy industries before current role. He has a proven track record of solving technical problems with CAE and applying them to practical applications.

Lutz Rothhardt
Development Japan
BMW Japan Corp.
1985 – 1995
Freelance Developer
Employed by several startups and small enterprises in the Munich area. Development of computer and interface circuits, as well as embedded real time applications. Trainer for microprocessors, technical consultant.
1995 – 2001
Assistant Manager Product Engineering, BMW Japan
Development for Japan local electronic systems including navigation, vehicle telephone, traffic information, toll collection and telematics.
2001 - 2005
Manager, Product Engineering, BMW Japan
Requirements management and local development Japan specific subsystems for the whole vehicle.
2005 - 2007
Manager, Technology Office and Product Engineering, BMW Japan
Japan technology landscape monitoring, research project management, technology scouting.
2007 – 2012
General Manager E/E-Systems Engineering and Architecture, BMW AG Munich
In charge of whole vehicle E/E architecture processes, development and research for all vehicles of the BMW Group.
Including strategic planning, functional safety, communication technologies and semiconductors.
2012 - today
Director Development Japan, BMW Japan
In charge of type approval, vehicle testing and validation, product development and technology office.

Yutaka Sawada
General Manager
Corporate Planning
Envision AESC Japan Ltd.
1991年栃木日本電気入社。計画部にて予算編成、実行管理と原価管理業務を担当後、2002年に中国のNEC TOKIN 厦門有限公司へ出向。電池事業を立ち上げ、生産管理・購買・輸出入管理や渉外交渉に携わる。2006年にNEC TOKINへ復帰後、電池事業の立ち上げ、工場管理などを担当。2020年にエンビジョンAESCジャパンへ移籍し、購買部を経て2022年に経営企画部へ異動。現在に至る。

Naofumi Higashi
Specialized Research Department

Kazuo Yajima
Blue Sky Technology Inc.
Joined Nissan in 1990. After conducting materials research, he gained experience in various departments before becoming the General Manager of the Battery Development Department for the Nissan LEAF in April 2009. Since then, he has led the development of electric vehicle powertrains and lithium-ion batteries. He also served as Division General Manager of the Renault/Nissan Alliance's EV/HEV Technology Development Division, where he led the development of electric vehicles and e-POWER. In 2018, he was appointed President of Blue Sky Technology Inc., an electric vehicle technology development support company.

Hsiao Weicheng
CEO・・・ Hsiao Weicheng
Date of Birth ・・・ October 10, 1984 Born in Taiwan
HW ELECTRO is a fabless company of light-duty EV commercial vehicle ELEMO, and our business development efforts will center on reinforcing renewable energy (energy business utilizing lithium batteries) in future. HW ELECTRO is focused on promoting “environmental issues” and “social contribution” under the slogan “The Essential piece of Mobility” (aiming to become an indispensable resource for the people and society).

Koichi Katsumata
Asia-Pacific Automotive Sales
Aeris Communication Japan
Mr. Koichi Katsumata has over 20 years of experience in automotive industry. Prior to joining Aeris, he had been leading business development and sales of connected vehicle segment in ASEAN region at automotive parts supplier, and sales of Connected Vehicle Cloud at Ericsson. Mr. Katsumata holds MBA from Lingnan College, Sun Yat-Sen University, China.

Katsuhiro Nawa
General Manager
EV Business Development Dept
ENEOS Corporation
1995年 三菱石油株式会社 入社
2015年 JXエネルギー株式会社 関東第1支店
2018年 JXTGホールディングス株式会社
JXTGエネルギー株式会社 総務部
2020年 JXTGエネルギー株式会社
物流管理部 副部長
2021年 ENEOS株式会社 販売企画部 副部長
2023年 ENEOS株式会社 EV事業推進部長

Aiko Hayashi
Science and technology journalist
Science designer