In order of scheduled appearance

Kazuo Shimizu
Automotive Jornalist
Kazuo Shimizu is a graduate of Musashi Institute of Technology, where he majored in Electronics and Communication Engineering. Since making his rally racing debut in 1972, and as the professional racing driver, he experienced Du Mans 24 Hours, Nurburgring 24 Hours and so on.
He has made his presence known in domestic and international endurance racing scenes while also building writing and speaking career in multiple media. His journalism focuses on driving and safety issues, and as a knowledgeable automotive journalist on green technology and autonomous driving that draw public attention, he has significant experience as TV commentator and symposium moderator. In addition, he counts consulting on the international auto manufacturing industry, driving school instructor. He is a jury member of the Japan Car of the Year.

Yasunori Oku
Executive Chief Engineer
Business Development Supervisory Unit
Business Development Operations
Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
1988年 本田技研工業(株)入社。(株)本田技術研究所 和光研究センター配属。
1990年より本田技術研究所 栃木研究所にて将来・量産シャシー技術の研究および設計を担当し(代表機種:2002年モデル FIT、2005年モデルLEGENDなど)、2015年からHonda R&D Europe(ドイツ)駐在。
2020年より、(株)本田技術研究所 先進技術研究所 ダイナミクス研究統括 兼 本田技研工業(株) モビリティサービス事業本部※ 自動運転モビリティサービス日本事業プロジェクト責任者 および 栃木県無人自動運転移動サービス推進協議会 委員を務める。
※2022年 組織改編に伴い、モビリティサービス事業本部が事業開発本部に組織名変更。

Eiji Shibata
AD/ADAS Senior General Manager
ADAS Development DEPT
1989年スバル入社。 1998年より先進運転支援システム開発に従事。

Thomas Mueller
General Manager and CTO
Wipro Engineering
Wipro Limited
Thomas Mueller is a senior technology leader with more than 30 years of experience across the automotive, cloud, and financial sectors. He is currently responsible for Wipro’s automotive engineering and innovation services, which encompasses everything from software-defined vehicles and autonomous driving to 5G and cloud-native engineering. Thomas has previously been CTO for leading global enterprises including the Bank of Ireland, Deutsche Telekom, and Visionapp.

Hisao Munakata
Senior Director
Automotive Digital Products Marketing Division
Automotive Solution Business Unit
Renesas Electronics Corporation
I have engaged in OS development for the Renesas SoC R-Car series.
I have promoted collaboration with the open-source development community to deliver Linux OS-based BSP for IVI/ Connected to our customer OEM, Tier1. concurrently, I participated in various consortium activities (AGL, COVESA, etc.) that envisions OSS software development for vehicles and strived to evolve the SW development process as an industry as a whole.

Masashi Yamasaki
Global Security Officer
MDI & IT Div.
Mazda Motor Corporation
1986年4月 マツダ株式会社 入社
1997年10月電子技術開発部 主任
2004年10月シャシー開発部 主幹
2007年4月 車両システム開発部 電子制御ユニット開発Gr Mgr.
2010年6月 車両開発本部 電子開発部 部長
2015年4月 統合制御システム開発本部 副本部長
2017年1月 MDIプロジェクト室 主幹(セキュリティ技術統括)
2019年4月 MDI&IT本部 主査(グローバルセキュリティ担当)

Motoyuki Yamashita
Managing Officer
OEM Business Dept.
Dynamic Map Platform Co.,Ltd.
1993年 パイオニア株式会社 入社

Makoto Kitagawa
xEV Sec. Advanced Mobility Div. Mobility Solution Dept.
無線LAN CMOS ICの研究開発、ミリ波レーダCMOS ICの研究開発を経て、長瀬産業に入社。同社ではLiDAR用レーザーダイオード、ビームステアリングデバイス、超高分解能ミリ波レーダ対応SoC、フュージョンソフトウェア等の商材販促を通したADAS Bizの開拓に従事。安全/便利/エコな社会の実現に貢献するため、自動運転の高度化、普及促進に寄与する技術商材を「見つけ/育み/育てる」という活動を進行中。

Martin Petersson
Sales & Business Development Manager
Marketing & Sales
NIRA Dynamics
Martin Petersson joined NIRA in 2011 as project manager for NIRA’s embedded products. He has long experience from the automotive industry, having worked with major OEM's in Europe, Asia, US and South America.
Throughout his career he has had roles within product management, business development and sales management.
Martin has been deeply involved in creating NIRA’s cloud based product offerings in the EU and US, specifically focused on how friction information can be used to control different vehicle functions for EV control, ADAS and autonomous vehicles.

Hideya Aoki
Head of Segment 1, Japanese OEMs
Architecture and Networking
Continental Automotive Corporation
1997年1月 シーメンス(株)オートモーティブ営業統括。2007年10月 コンチネンタル・オートモーティブ 営業統括部長。2015年7月~現職 Architecture and Networking事業部JOEM部門責任者

Yukihiro Yamamoto
Country Manager
Nexar Japan Inc.
Led map development for car navigation systems at a major audio manufacturer. Established Canvas Mapple, Inc. and created the Japanese portable navigation market as a representative director, as well as a new car navigation market for light vehicles. In 2017, moved to Trillium in Silicon Valley and led the business development of automotive cyber security software in Japan.
Currently working on market development as the representative of Nexar in Japan.

Masahiro Otsuka
Senior Consulting Specialist
Product planning & technical strategy
SBD Automotive Japan
SBD Automotive入社前はソフトウェアエンジニアとして、車載ヘッドユニット向けの数々のナビ開発に携わる。SBDではコネクテッドカー、自動運転車、自動車セキュリティの全部門における調査業務に従事。ADAS・コネクテッドカーUX調査や、車載技術の進化、OEMのコネクテッドカー・自動運転技術戦略の調査及び戦略立案をグローバル顧客向けに主導している。SBDジャパンの代表として、一般および個別の顧客向けの講演も多数行っている。

Aiko Hayashi
Science and technology journalist
Science designer
<MC/ Moderator>