Embracing software and connectivity to enhance the value of the car
― latest trends in the software defined vehicle (SDV) and connectivity ―
Held on: 2nd February 2023, 13:00-14:50
You can download the slides of Thomas Mueller here. This slides are updated from the original downloadable material.
Fill in the survey in order to access the slides of Kazuo Shimizu(Automotive Jornalist), Takehiro Nakamura (NTT DOCOMO) , and Toshiro Muramatsu (Nissan Motor)
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■ Presentation(10 min)
"Examine the changes around the value of car by looking at the latest global trends"
Kazuo Shimizu
Automotive Journalist
■ Presentation(15 min)
"Discover how connectivity technology will impact the value of the car over the next 10 years"
Takehiro Nakamura
Chief Technology Architect, R&D Innovation Division
■ Presentation(15 min)
"Software defined vehicle driven by connectivity"
Toshiro Muramatsu
General Manager, Connected Technology Development and Service Operation Department
Connected Car and Services Engineering Division
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
■ Presentation(15 min)
"The changes we can expect from the software defined vehicle (SDV) – raising residual value while keeping purchase prices within reach”
Thomas Mueller
VP and CTO, Wipro Engineering
Wipro Limited
■ Discussion (50 min)
" Discuss how the value of the car will change as the industry embraces software and connectivity technology"
Kazuo Shimizu
Takehiro Nakamura
Toshiro Muramatsu
Thomas Mueller