Platinum Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

ESRIジャパンは、Esri Inc.の日本国内のマスターディストリビューターです。
GIS/Location Intelligenceの業界におけるリーディングカンパニーとして、
Gold Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor

Ericsson in Japan began operations in 1985 ahead of national deregulation of the telecommunication industry. In 1989, Ericsson Japan entered its first memorandum of understanding together with leading mobile operator NTT DoCoMo. Soon after, landmark network contracts with Digital Phone and Digital TUKA groups (today part of the SoftBank Group) graduated Japan as one of Ericsson’s top five markets.

SBD Automotive(本社: 英ノーザンプトン)は、1997年の創業以来、日本、欧州(英国とドイツ)、米国、中国の拠点から自動車業界に携わるクライアントをグローバルにサポートする調査・コンサルティング会社です。クライアントは自動車メーカー、サプライヤー、保険業界、通信業界、政府・公的機関、研究機関など自動車業界のバリューチェーン全体にわたり、調査対象エリアは、欧州、北米、中国、ブラジル、インド、ロシア、東南アジアなど世界各国の市場を網羅しています。自動車セキュリティおよびIT、コネクテッドカー、自動運転などの分野において調査を実施し、各種レポートやコンサルティングサービスを提供しています。

Yahoo! JAPAN is the largest internet company in Japan. Offering more than 100 services including search, news, weather, public transportation search and e-commerce via PC and smart devices. More than 50 million monthly login users have been in our services.
The data solution service using big data of Yahoo! JAPAN was launched in October 2019. The service help businesses, government and cities to solve problems.
"DS.INSIGHT" is a desk research tool on web browser, and "DS.ANALYSIS" is an individual analytical finding provided by Yahoo! JAPAN's data scientists.
For further information, please visit
Knowledge & Media Partner
Sponsorship & Exhibition
Sponsorship and exhibition opportunities are now available for ReVision Mobility Summit events.
The ReVision Mobility Summit focuses on connected car, autonomous, MaaS and electrification areas with the purpose of uniting decision makers involved in company strategy, development and planning departments from global automakers, telecom companies, legacy Tier 1 & part suppliers, leading technology and solution providers.

Sponsor and exhibit with ReVision Auto&Mobility to:
- Demonstrate your company’s full commitment and leadership role in automotive
- Show industry influencers your company’s knowledge and tech capabilities
- Foster open relationships and make a lasting impression by delivering relevant information and solutions
- Gain key business contacts and build trust to shorten the sales cycle
Contact us regarding sponsorship and exhibition:
ReVision Auto&Mobility
InBridges Co., Ltd.
Daisan Meiwa Bldg. 5F, 4-31-3, Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
105-0004 Japan
Tel: +81(0) 3 6403 3835
◆Example of Opportunites◆
Below are some typical packages; however, our goal is to understand each company’s specific objectives in order to provide our partners with more valuable opportunities
Platinum Sponsor |
Gold Sponsor |
Networking Sponsor |
Exhibition Sponsor |